when you say 12V to the alt field you mean blue wire (ign1 "run") switched 12V to the "ign" terminal on the reg and the "grn" terminal on the other side of the reg goes to the (1) field terminal on the alt as Supercuda said? if so you're good there (as opposed to 12V directly to the alt field terminal which will NOT Fly (for long) which it kinda sounded like, just checking. If it is a Mopar alt it ain't internally regulated & needs the reg no matter if there are 2 field wires or 1 field wire (not including the big "batt" output stud/nut). If those red and black wires in the dist go to the positive and neg terminals (respectively) on the coil then you have a pertronix (no ECU type) dist. EDIT the pickup/ECU are combined in that round black gismo under the rotor in your pic

Last edited by RapidRobert; 10/17/15 10:29 PM.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth