I raised the drivers side hinge up about 1/4"-3/8" and it helped. That corner of the hood stayed down after I shut it. (It usually stays up after the hood is latched and I have to push it down before I get in to drive.) But I need to keep going a little bit more because it still sticks up about 1/8" or so.

Do I need to adjust both sides or just the side with the issue?

The passenger side hinge is all the way down on the slots (just like the drivers side did) but that side does not pop up after a WOT run.

EDIT: If anyone can post pictures of their hood hinges that are setup properly, that would be a great reference. I would like to see where the bolts are located in the slots. Mine started all the way at the top.

My hinges are TIGHT! When the hood is up, I wiggles it from side to side to see how much play was in the pins and the hood was solid! Very little movement at all in the open position. So I lubed up the brackets and pins.


Last edited by YO7_A66; 09/30/15 08:49 AM.

1970 YO7 A66 [Canadian Export] F8 Challenger
340 (Currently in shop for stroker assy.)