you said "PRE 30's
is that what you mean cars befor 1930
like a 29 dodge or do you mean cars in the 30's and befor?

I think you will need to get her to check out some pics of old stuff and deiced what she likes and then go looking for that car.

there is a big difference between 20's style cars and late 30's style cars and well as deciding on a coupe or a sedan.

if you have a family and you want the kids to come along you will need to look at a sedan and not a coupe.

there are no kit mopars out there, redneck and coach and chassis use to make a 34 mopar coupe body but I believe that redneck has moved on to fords and is not interested in doing a mopar but i believe he still has the molds.very expensive......

and coach and chassis has sold the molds to PLYDO and the owner has passed away so I don't think they have ever made a car yet or ever will.

your best bet is to look for a steel mopar body that you like and go for one and build or modify the frame to your liking.

now picking a 33-34 ply or dodge coupe is more expensive than picking a sedan or a later 30's car as the 33-34 cars are more popular , sort a like E bodys.

my brother just paid 10K for a 34 ply body and frame that we will build for him.

lawfish has good luck finding later 30's mopars around his area for a decent price so the deals are still out there.

check out the links below and see if you can find what style car you guys like. Ron....