
I know this is not the answer you wanted but I believe any one that can open a book can get one on how to rebuild a mopar engine and read it and then farm out the machine work and put it together themselves! No one is going to put more care and effort into a build than the owner!

Agreed! I'm buying parts right now for my 451. When I have everything, I'll take it to a machine shop for the bore, hone, mainline hone, & decking. From there, its all mine. there certainly are people that have more experience building than I do. But noone will watch the details on my motor like I will. If I run into something I'm not sure about, I go ask my machinist. Not only that, but with me, I just want the satisfaction of putting it together myself. Learning and understanding the motor inside and out is just as fun for me as driving it (well, maybe).

LemonWedge - Street heavy / Strip ready - 11.07 @ 120