Is there a difference between the 66 and 67 bucket seats out of a Barracuda? I pulled my bench seat from my 67, and picked up some buckets that were from (he thinks) out of a late 66, but said that there shouldn't be a difference.

The bolt pattern on the bottom is about 9" (front to back) on the inside of the seat bolts (toward the trans hump), and about 13.5" on the outside of the seat (toward the door side).

The problem is, the 9" spacing is too short for the raised area on the floor pan. It looks like on my floor pan, there are indentations where (maybe?) bucket seat holes would go (?), but they don't really line up with the bolts on these seats.

Anyway, are the 66 floor pans different? Would 67-76? a-body bucket seats have a different hole pattern than a late 66? Any advice?

BTW, if I put the seat forward/rear adjustment lever facing the trans hump (the 9" spacing bolts toward the door), the seat would rest on the raised part of the floor.