Thinking of throwing a set of stickies on the duster to see what it will do. Would prefer a 27" tall tire around 8" wide. Also would prefer a 14" rim, but i can use a 15". I saw a couple of M&H muscle car d.o.t.'s in 15" i think would work, but i was hoping to find 14" so i could use the stock wheels.

Are the musclecar d.o.t.'s any good? I can only stall the car to around 1500 with the converter in it, but even with 200+lbs in the trunk for ballast the car won't even think to hook with the polyglass. I want something that will hook, period. If i can get that in a dot, even better.

Work In Progress- 71' Duster F.A.S.T.- 10.36@130 Smallblock Record Holder.