Background: Yesterday I removed the plug at the bottom of the valve to apply Teflon tape to the threads that wouldn't stop leaking. When I removed the plug slowly expecting a spring or whatever to come out with it, nothing did. So I applied the tape an replaced it in the block. I then noticed a nice machined washer/spacer on the floor(1st pic) Doh! blush . So I figured it was stuck in there by the fluid & fell out when my back was turned.

Question: Was there possibly something else or a spring fell out & "boing" disappeared? I looked hard for anything else & didn't see anything.

The cross cut view of the metering block that I looked at wasn't as revealing as I had hoped. Anybody got an "explosive view" to help clarify.

Well:...While digging for the washer/spacer pic that fell out, I stumbled onto a literal "explosive view" in my files. So my valve seams to have a steel washer/spacer in place of the brass appearing in my second pic.

So sense the long tube & rubber seal that it goes through stayed in the block when I remove the plug, the steel spacer I found on the floor appears to be the only thing that fell out. No!

Did I stumble onto the answer to my own question, & am good to go? laugh

14 metering valve internal shim !.jpg10.1 metering vale (explosive view)(edited).png