Made it to round 4..... barely. we pitted at the top end (southern Utah). I installed a decent radio on the golf cart so we were in tune with the tower doing our between round duties. We thought they called pro once.... but it was often lost with all the extracurricular conversation they were constantly having on the PA.... so we waited. Couple more times they paused enough from their yacking to give the lane call info, and they didn't say pro. My friend jumped in the golf cart to run the 1/4 mile up to the line to check it out so I turned the truck radio on and was listening when they announced a name I knew that was in class and their pass.... crap! We were pretty low on fuel so the first three passes we towed to the lanes. No time for that.. jumped in the car and headed up there. Got the lanes and they had to literally back two cars out from under the tower so I could get up to the line to race.... jacket wasn't on, etc...etc... The kid I had to race was a dream round. Foot brake, old car they hadn't run in years with a fresh methanol injected motor between the rails..... and... he... gives... it... away... All I had to do was see green.... that was it. Car was in the ball park on the number... I had decent lights earlier, but my head wasn't in it. Left way too early. I know the kid advanced on to the next round too and I was glad to see that. Pretty low buck deal, whole family from northern Utah. They were having a ball and were really nice people.

9.54 is what we ended up dialing around most of the afternoon. To be perfectly honest I was expecting to be running 9.8's at that track, especially when it's 92 degrees, track hotter than L, DA over 5K. Lil engine makes the car a blast to drive.

This was the first MaTS I had been to that I got to fairly late. I've ALWAYS gone super early, got parked, and got in the gate early enough to get a spot in the same zip code as the staging lanes. I like to see the lanes, miss something on the PA and a quick glance you can see who's up there. As long as everything stays together, and I'm able, I'll be there again next year. Good time.