The NO Blocks issue has been a problem for us Mopar guys for years and years--maybe decade--I for one am sick and tired of it! Indy with their sorry service and block that needs a week in the machine shop to be used After you pay out the ying yang for it--KB--Wonderful unit! The wait time and expense --whew!! No other options--I think it is reason enough to switch brands and move on--as the supply of 440 stock blocks dwindle down to the scuds it is even worse.
I built a FED and it is Chevy by way of the fact that the chassis was already designed for it when I got it--so...I built one--
The report:
Built a wonderful race engine with parts that were available next day at crazy low prices compared to Mop's and have been racing and having Fun ( the reason I have ever screwed around with cars and engines) I can get my choice of two brands of Quailty blocks with about a dozen options form about 20 vendors all over night and now I can get China copy of those great blocks for $1200--all will handle any HP level that can be imagined and the Dart units come out of the wrapper ready to wash and race in most cases--so......go up twice what a block is worth and wait--then get the scud blocks that Mopar threw in the dumptser that some enterprising person dug out of the dumpster and with NO regard for the flaws that got them there --go ahead and sell them to you as New Mopar blocks--and after you discover why they were junked I bet you trashed some nice parts as paid to learn that --
We have been screwed over for over a decade on blocks--I for one----GET THE MESSAGE!!!
I want to race and have fun and go fast--I NO LONGER care what brand does that for me--
After years of building other brands--as well as my beloved Mopars I finally see what I was blind to all those years I was paying double for a Pentestar item--It is the truth boys and...even now as I am waiting in line to do that again--there are NO friggin blocks to be had--and the 50 or so that " Are in process" ( I gag at that line after 20 years of hearing it) will be presold and gone the day they all ship so none for next weeks wanters--Ya'll can have that misery--it ain't worth it anymore.