Rubber hoses are nicer to use than plastic coating hoses. I use both kinds, both red in color but the plastic like hoses are much stiffer in the cold air and suck to use outside in the winter.

About 15-20 years ago the hose manufactures where forced to stop using something to make rubber hoses. So now the rubber hoses don't relax like they used to. Now they want to stay coiled up and are a bigger pain to use than older made hose was to handle. Coiled up air hose is a problem when dragging it around a fresh paint job.

I buy and use 150' long 1" LP hose AND 175'long 1 1/4" diesel and gas hoses that we use on tanker trucks. We notice how they handle and behave.

Air hose are the same deal. The rubber air hoses I buy today are not like the old air hoses of the days gone by because of the EPA.