

He sounds like one of the lucky ones. A LOT of trouble issues can be attributed to the drivers of some of these trucks. I used to pick up my loads in Elkhart, IN and that's the Hot Shot transport capital in the country....there are several truck & trailer shops up there and unfortunately when riding by some of these shops, there were more Dodge's in the lots than Ford's. One day while in one of the shops, after a couple of years of pulling, I asked why do I see so many Dodge trucks parked and was told that a lot of them were in for performance upgrades, normal repairs/maintenance or automatics & 5 speeds were out....didn't want to hear that.......

His theory was he didn't lug it , I don't know how much truth to that there is ?

Good ol pickup, she was at that point though where things were about to start wearing out

Good theory as I have been told the very same thing! It's one of the worst thing to do to the tranny.

"Fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son......"
