
Other than the incorrect hood, 70 wing, mirrors, lower rocker molding, etc... Could anyone tell me where to get the incorrect (but nice looking) R/T & Bee knockoff stripe?

Look closely, you'll note the stripe is definately thinner, and has rounded end at the rear.

I like the look of these stripes on this car, even though not factory issue for an SE, and not wanting to fake an R/T or Bee.

Any expert thoughts welcomed. I have better closeup pics, but too stupid to figure out how to shrink them to accomodated Moparts' stringent size restrictions...(Hi Tom).

Please click to Check out closeup pics:

First Side shot:


First Side Shot:


Any pointers as to where to get these would be appreciated.

Like this? Phoenix Graphics. Be care full though, their quality control is a littel to be desired. Got two stripes originally that were not the same width. We didn't catch it until we had them on and I did a few shows. Had a guy with another 71 Charger point it out to me.