
Is this MC a manual brake unit that has the machined recess for this piece to fit into. You'll have to take it out of the MC & slip it on the pushrod

Yes it is a Manual Drum brake system on this car. Looks like im gonna hcve to undo everything again,luckily,its not that difficult. Wondering if I can do the roval without disconnecting the lines at the master,anyone ever try,without kinking the brake lines?


I went ahead and unbolted the Master Cylinder and tried pulling it from the firewall,It wouldnt budge,so then I unhooked the brake lines going into the master and it came out a little,and wouldnt go anyfurther,whereas before with the old non functional MC the darn thing about fell off the firewall once I unbolted it and removed the lines.There was no rubber grommet on the old MC

Would anyone care to speculate,that my Pushrod is seated firmly(correctly) in the rubber groommet according to the description ive given above?