
The X block is a little insurance for the bottom end.
As for the lifter angle , it will clearly work with good parts up to 8000 + rpms.
But back when the X blocks were as good as it got , serious players moved the lifters around to address pushrod angle.
And it was done for us with the advent of the 48 degree blocks.
If 59 degree is what you have , go forth and sin no more.
If I was starting from scratch ( like I did ) then the decision was clear.
Honestly , it is not as easy now as it was five - six years ago when I embarked on my ordeal.
I had my choice of R blocks then.
It's definitely a little tougher now.
My next deal will be a 59 degree 340 going in an '80 Volare wagon , but it isn't going to be as radical a build as my Dart so I think it will be just fine.
But if I intend to make some real steam , the 59 degree stuff would not be my first choice.

I guess it comes down to how you define "real steam" to me Yates' low 5's is pretty damn good. I'd be thrilled if my car ever went that quick and I don't care what the lifter angle is lol.
I have one style and we're considering building a 59* version for little bro but really need W9RP rocker arms to make it happen