


Would be cool if someone had before and after pictures.

Remember I used the 15% extra strength Muriatic Acid ** DON'T DO THAT ** They usually sell 10% mix.

I've got pictures of it on Cast Iron exhaust manifolds.

I would never use it on emblems. I can clean them fine with q-tips, chrome polish, very fine steel/brass wool. Actually an old electric drafting eraser works great. I don't mess with pitted to death emblems. I buy better used ones or buy new. Especially if I was doing a full "resto".

Maybe the acid will make a full junk emblem look like a 3/4 junk emblem in quick time.

Lets see them , I have a BLOCK I need to dip ...

About frickin killed me....

These were actually very nice So Cal exhaust manifold with no real pitting. I was just looking to see if I could get a fresh out of the mold/NOS look to them.

Problem is after I took them out of the acid bath they want to flash rust immediately.

I had a water filled dunk tank next my acid tank to wash and brush off the acid from the manifold immediately.

Then immediately right after I pulled them out of the water, I sprayed the heck out of them with Justice Brothers Chain Lube spray. That is a little sticky in texture, so I felt it would stick on the piece. I tried to brush the JB Chain Lube it in tight corners too.

The top manifold is me bushing on the acid section by section with a brass brush then washing it with water. The previous sections would get slight flash rust if they weren't kept covered in water. And I did not spray coat protect the manifold afterward.

The bottom manifold is the one I dunked. I did not have the acid deep enough to get the flapper valve covered. I had another gallon I could have put in. But I realized "what the h#ll am I going to do with this stuff after I pour it in". And the fumes from just pouring it in made it tough to do while coughing and trying to stay out of the fume clouds.

I did this on Sept 1, 2014. And they look identical right now.

8354368-IMG_6738.JPG (195 downloads)
Last edited by autoxcuda; 12/07/14 03:13 PM.