Yea, no problem at all brutha!

Sales pitch aside, Thunders (or Holleys, or others still) will work, some better than others. My take on it is simply that the stock style AFB's will be quite adequate for a street strip 528 if setup right, heck the FAST racers run mid 10's with them on big inch 750hp plus Hemis all the time. Performance aside, IMO the neatest part is that they allow you to use of all original/reproduction linkage/fuel lines/aircleaners, etc. requiring zero mods. No, $1,200.00 isn't play money, but a pair of new Thunders aren't free, and niether is custom linkage, custom fuel lines, and especially air cleaners, short of making it all yourself you'd likely spend the same money either way you went. Not to mention that down the road stock style parts retain thier value better in most cases. So, my opinion is the old, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" take on the subject.