
Well, today didn't go as we had hoped. Mike has been having some cardiac issues (occasional pain, chest tightness, etc) so I insisted he see the doctor before we go hunting. We saw a new cardiologist today (David....thanks, we really like him). We both thought they'd be arranging some tests, probably Monday and we'd go home 'til then. Well, the doctor wanted to do an angioplasty today to evaluate and possibly insert a stent(s) & sent us over to the hospital. When we got there, they noticed he has an iodine allergy and must pre-medicate with steroids before the procedure. Well.....too late in the day to do that but they did not want to send him home. So....they're keeping him at Henry Ford Macomb for the weekend and will do the procedure Monday. He's not a happy camper. I'm somewhat relieved. If the doctor feels he wants him kept there, I'd rather not have to be responsible for rushing him back there if there are problems. So....I have a quiet weekend alone & he gets to sit on his butt watching TV in the hospital. I'll take his laptop to him tomorrow so he'll have another avenue of entertainment. *sigh* (We'll gladly accept any healing energy you wish to send his way....thanks)

lots of energy sent