
Thanks njsteve for posting the "vintage" picture. Interesting that it had been redone once already - with white top and interior - and colored bumpers.

It came from the factory in orange and white top/white interior with rubber bumpers.

The photo above shows the car in its original condition as when I pulled it out of storage in 1988. It still had its original paint at the time but it was terrible looking. I had it scuffed and repainted in 1991. The original paint was so badly applied at the factory and so thin that people would insult the car when I brought it to shows. There was almost no paint (just primer) on the firewall and lower inner fenders. The paint on the rear valance was just a continuous series of drip marks and runs - like they tried to chase the run to the bottom when it was still wet. The passenger quarter even had a big hunk of lead in it where they must have dripped it down when they were doing the original roof seams. They just smeared it around instead of removing it, and then just painted over it. it looked just horrible, and it was the size of a dinner plate.