What do these guys dial, 12's and up? How big are the car counts for each class? I've been in races where semi fast cars ... 9 sec range .. double-up once in a while but not slow ones. You cannot compete in Sportsman with a Pro or Super Pro car here in the West. How do You get double entry in one class? Just buy two Tech Cards? I don't know if We can do that? How do You get back to Staging in time to run the same class? Even for 30-40 car S/Pro fields we're zip-zip done unless someone crashes or blows up which is rare?? I guess just make sure you have enough gas and the car doesn't move too much from limited cool down? You could also be screwed if you got stacked up at the Timeslip Shack behind the really fast cars being towed back with Quads/golf carts as well.