The Dart was running about a month ago. Been doing some things in the interior, headliner, trim, etc.

Went to start, and nothing. Nothing changed, so puzzled I started trouble shooting. Dizzy is mag trigger Accel, with older 6AL and Blaster 2. Tested ignition by placing coil wire near ground and triggering with jumper wire. Hot blue spark. Then took timing light and made sure plug is firing during cranking, it is.

Looking at carb, not much of a pump shot when hitting the throttle. Remove sight plug, front bowl is empty. Remove secondary tight plug, there is some fuel in there. Carb is Holley 750 DP.

What should I expect in terms of fuel in the bowl? Does it evaporate quickly? Since there was still fuel in secondary bowl, makes me think needle/seat is seeping in primary?

I am using a mechanical fuel pump.

Prior, car started easy, barely have to hit the starter, but this is after fuel/etc. was pulled up to the carb. Appears I have a fuel delivery issue now.


383, Hemi 4-Speed, AlterKtion, D60