Hey Moparts transmission guru's, I am having an issue with my drag car going into 3rd gear. I have a 904 with a trans brake with a manual reverse valve body. As I am under full power headed down track, the 1-2 shift is nice and hard but the 2-3 shift is not that good. Once I make the shift with the shifter, the motor revs about 200-300 higher before it shifts. It almost sound like I am power shifting a manual trany. I just had my converter rebuilt and the power is quite a bit better than before, about a 10th better in the 1/8th. It did not seem to do this shifting issue until I had the converter rebuilt. Is this "slip" or "overrev" due to the converter or has the converter being rebuilt changed how the trany acts? Could it need a band adjustment? Btw, even with this shifting issue the car is DEADLY consistant. 7.01 to 7.03 for 15 runs in a row over 2 days. Any help or advise would be GREATLY appreciated!
