

This is the most interesting thing in the article for me: "The Ram 1500 pickup is due for an update in 2015, and a full redesign in 2017, according to Chrysler’s five-year business plan, while its heavy duty pickups are scheduled for the same in 2016 and 2018."

As for the side-opening tailgate, I can't think of a single use for it.

If the tailgate opens to the side and not down, then you wouldn't have to put heavy objects on the tailgate and then push them onto the bed in order to close the tailgate (I've done this exact procedure on the farm too many times to count). Many times I would take the tailgate OFF the truck, load up heavy items, put the tailgate back on and close it, and reverse to unload. With this, I could see loading and unloading without removing the tailgate at all...

Not a bad idea, IMHO...


Most of the nay-sayers don't want a pickup truck for real work, mostly for hanging TruckNuts off of...