Oh OK I see what you are saying. it did not ping but it was just not "right". A person could dribble some water in the carb at a fast idle to loosen up any carbon then take it out for a good blast to expell the carbon which "may" give a false high reading (clean the plugs afterward) and I loosen the plugs on any compression test several turns then tighten em back up then start it & gun the throttle several times to expell potential loose carbon particles coming off of the threads which could lodge under a valve and give a false low reading then pull the plugs & continue on with the compression test. Kinda picky but that's me. Actually I would forget about the SCR/cranking psi for now and button it up with the new intake then concentrate on fixing (in this thread) what ain't "right" on the tune then move on to the fuel needed and the ign curve but your initial sounds healthy and the total ain't outrageous & not sure when it comes in at (springs) but we gotta address/fix the "problem". But you do have iron heads with no quench and those cranking psi numbers are very high & I hear that gas out on the left coast is the worst. But If it ain't pinging then it ain't pinging & that's the bottom line. Stay on it & keep us posted

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth