Dom, I am not sure who you are trying to argue with or why, but I didn't see anybody say that idle had anything to do with power valves and jetting. But if we are getting totally technical, both CAN and DO effect idle circuits. Depending on overlap and PV number, it could be on the verge of open, which effects the idle circuit.

Plus, I would think that ANY hot rodder KNOWS, that when you install a new carb, the FIRST thing you need to do is make it idle, both in and out of gear, come up on the converter and that sort of thing. I mean that is hot rod 101. Once you accomplish this, you take it out and make power pulls to adjust the main jetting. Lastly, if you intend to drive the car, you want to try and clean the midrange, as most "race" carbs are going to be rich there.
