let me back up a bit.You converted to electronic ign & & it ran great for an extended period then died & you replaced alot of the electronic conversion parts(which ones?) & it wouldn't run right so you went pack to your points dist (& setup) & it ran great like it did before you originally converted it? Correct? Since the vac adv is having a major effect on this problem I would suggest: turn the crank to TDC & see (1) far the rotor tip is from the #1 dist cap terminal( & on which side of it) (2) how far the reluctor is away from the pickup coil magnet(not the gap) but how far past(or behind)it & (3) do you have a vacuum pump to pump up the vac adv & see what that does to the .008 correct gap(that Master Nacho brought back to mind last night).

Last edited by RapidRobert; 12/06/08 02:58 PM.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth