
The throttle blades are open too far. Increase the initial timing and close the throttle blades. No reason to have 1100 rpm idle speed.

And the sellout crowd roars it's approval!

What's it cost to see if more initial timing cures the issue. ZERO.

More initial will also clean up those sooty gas fouled plugs. BONUS! An idle solenoid WILL NOT help here.

I'll bet this car cranks excessively when trying to start and needs to floor the pedal or give it some pedal to fire. That's another symptom of not enough initial timing. The total timing crowd falls victim to this all the time.

People complain all the time about how expensive these cars are... hmmm

If you don't have emissions testing to be concerned about, an idle speed solenoid is a waste of money. Emissions is the reason they were used on these cars in the 60-70's.