There is more to life then "stall speed" and "slip"...

Call someone that has a clue and have one built for your combo...
(I use PTC, but Lenny at Ultimate seems to be a crowd favorite around here too).

I have had four different stator's/pumps behind my motor that had the same stall speed (or close), but all ran VERY different.

Just as an example...

I shift my motor at 5800. The tight converter that is in there now flashes to about 4800 or so on 11psi (and that's about what it drops to on the shift). When I had the first converter in there, it would stall to 5400 (shifting at 5800) so it was on the converter the ENTIRE run.

That being said, the loose converter was about .2 faster then the tight converter that's in there now, and that was with 26% slip on the big end!

So like I said... what the converter is doing in the middle of the track is just as (if not more) important then the stall/slip numbers.