Well I've driven my sig car about 5 times in the month and a half since ive been home from Afghanistan. So I decide to wash it and go fill up on gas tonite so I can drive it to work tomorrow. Some idiot rear ends me as I stop at a yield sign to let cross traffic go by. Cross traffic has a green light by the way. Idiot drivers. No injuries, and no major damage to my car, but the rear valence is done. Sorry needed to vent a little.

Anywho, my question is what would you say I should be lookimg for in value from his insurance Co to replace my rear valence? This one is done I think. Big dent in the middle which was pushed up, making both ends push down, so now it looks like a bananna. Its a candy paint, brown over a gold base, which is more expensive than regular paint. Ill get my own estimates from some body shops on that. But I dont know what is fair on the actual valence. Is it reasonable to ask for an amoumt to replace with NOS? Good used? Should I price them from somewhere like DVAP?

Any help is appreciated

1971 Plymouth Satellite
408/904 8 3/4 3.23 SG