Good catch !

I definitely had problems with the studs blocking off oil on my 360-2's (with T&D's same as you).... smoked a few pushrod tips before I figured it out with RyanJ's help. He seemed to be well aware of this being an issue with the Indy head.
Since the motor was assembled he suggested an easy at home fix of grinding a flat on the stud to line up with the oiling passage holes inside the head bolt hole/tubes.... Thinning the stud in that area would have worked too. Both of those solutions seemed to me would weaken those two studs and reduce their clamping effect. So, rather than that, for the short term I substituted an ARP (necked down) bolt in the two locations that needed it. Next time the heads were off I had my machinist mill a tiny trough to connect the two oiling holes inside the bolt hole/tubes and I was able to use the intact studs after that.

Sounds like some people have been ok ... might make a difference if you have full time oiling on the cam journals ? I did not. Or maybe the newer heads have a larger bolt hole. I know with W2's I had no trouble but the bolt hole size could have been bigger... I suppose one could also open up those two bolt holes to the next drill size but that might be a bit more of a risk ?
Anyway, just my experience. Hope this helps.