
I thought that it was a no no to run solid core spark plug wires with an MSD ignition?

NewMemberAgain (BP),
Those are MSD Heli-core suppression wires. The label on the wires uses the word "solid suppression" but that is misleading. The wire is wound around a core to give noise suppression. They are approved for the MSD ignitions. From the instructions, "A good quality, helically wound wire and proper routing are required to get the best performance from your ignition, such as the MSD Heli-Core or ..."

I asked the MSD rep about the MSD noise capacitor for the power leads on the box. He said that was to stop the MSD from interfering with other equipment. Not my problem. But I agree with you it might be good insurance and can't hurt.

A shielded cable has an electrically conductive material covering the insulated wires inside. This material is grounded at one end of the cable. This shields the inner wires from electromagnetic fields outside the cable.

1993 Daytona, 5.50 at 130mph (1/8) 1.19 sixty ft (PG). Link to 572 B1 - Part 1