
Cudazappa -- I'm 99% sure that the big Magnum GT was available one-year only with the 15x8 rims.. a friend of mine owned one with the 8" rims as standard eqpmnt with his package (he ordered it brand new)... again.. one year only.

Anything was possible w/Dodge in the 70's. Not to argue, but it would be a one-of or just a mistake on the line (Good Lord knows that never happened.. ) I know of a slant 6 Magnum built just to suit a long time slant 6 B body customer. 15x7's were Magnum GT's, 8's the F bodies. Nobody knows why this happened. Most agree it should've been the other way around. Heck, it could've been a late day/year build as I ordered a 78 last day you could, didn't get my GT radials. So, according to the data book I have which is what was used to order/spec a car, 15x7's were it.

IndyGuy is right, although I'd hate to see a late B get sacrificed to the race gods, they do make good handlers. And there's plenty out there to be had, believe it or not. I can hook you up if necessary.

In conclusion, watch this....


"Multiple Magnum owner since 1978!!"
