Well, I've done internet searches on what I consider to be the name brands-all have various threads on different forums about being imported now. Their own websites don't mention anything about being US made. You'd think that would be a selling point. Not a rant, I suppose that's just how it is these days. I do have one more option, though- the stock front end on this car was rebuilt about seven or eight years, and less than a thosand miles ago, with a PST kit I bought in 2003. But I'm changing everything (welded k, lca's, uca's, t-bars, sway bar, strut rods, knuckles etc) and was just going to leave the old front end complete. I could reuse the stuff that came from PST, if they hadn't already switched to a cheaper supplier by then. Admittedly, if I can't find USA on the parts, I'll still be in the dark...

In order to know what you want, you'll probably have to find out what you don't want.