





1/8 Mlie is good place to learn to race, and to tune a car in , but 1/4 mile is where the race is at . If all tracks go to 1/8 mile,, then my car is for sale !

Same here

Sorry, I call BS on both of you. If that's all there was, you'd adapt, or you aren't racers. Sorry to be so blunt, but that's the way I feel. If it's a good program and payout, you'd race it. If you've never run 1/8 and feel this way, you need to try it. Like many have said, the same rush is there, the win light is just as bright, and the payouts are the same.

It's your right to call it what you like but I will put it this way I will run sportscompact in the 1/4 then run in the 1/8 a real racer is not afraid to run it out the back door so please don't set the benchmark as to who is a real racer ok.

That's BS! I've been racing for years and have raced both. It's much harder to race and win an 1/8 mile race. Take a look at your time slips and you will see that you probably only pick up about 20 mph in the last 1/8. All your doing is taking a little 1/8 mile Cruz in that last 1/8 mile. I'll bet that you have never run an 1/8 mile race. So I would say I' m the real racer. You don't understand what you are talking about since you have probably never run an 1/8 mile race. Yes I prefer 1/8 mile racing. Come on down south and run against some of the good ole boys down here and they'll put you on the trailer.

Do you know me no let me tell you something I pass the 1/8 mile marker every time I race it does nothing for me if it floats your boat god bless you im happy for what ever makes you happy I like the top end charge case closed I like speed so don't give me a lecture about who's a real racer I have many friends who run the 1/8 and I don't begrudge them the 1/4 is what I prefer but if you want to run a little grudge race im game

Fine,but your the one that said 1/8 mile racers aren't real racers!