


Billy and crew are here minus the Blue car. Elvis just ran 8.59. Ray ran 10.59 I think and is packed up. Lutz had the car apart again. Bailey ran 6.70. Ahoka did not make a full pass. Mike ran 10.teens I think

Even though Eddie has had a colorful history on this site you have to give the guy some respect! He has shown up to race (finally) which is a lot more than some on this site could do and who post regularly. He not only has the fastest Mopar at the event and leads his class by a wide margin. But he also has the fastest NA car at the event, of any make or class!

I’ve also noticed that the bump spot for DD has been lowered considerable. Used to be around 12.5, now its 12.0.

Elvis does run his mouth a bit, but I think he enjoys the noteriety. He is within 1/2 of his nitrous passes from a few years ago. I would be curious to know how much his Predator motor puts out, his car can't be that light with the GV unit and all..

I don't think his converter is matched for his new setup either. I know he sent it in while he was testing this summer but he had since pulled his engine apart and replaced pistons cam etc.