Both bezels on the right was NOS right out of the boxes. I painted the ones on the left to match. I used lacquer paint that is the interior black that was used on the dash and many other things inside the car. I got the paint number out of the factory service manual. It was a exact match.

The pair on top is correct I beleive, the one on the bottem left I painted first as practice and to see if it would match. It is not masked off properly.

Another picture of the first one I painted(not masked properly). It matched the NOS one perfect color wise.

I painted lot's of interior stuff with the lacquer paint.

First attempt at painting the grill, it's not right.

Missing some argent paint in this picture.

I added the argent in this picture, top and bottom.

Here's the paint I used, both numbers are straight out of the FSM.