
How can you differentiate between an HP non Max Wedge block and a Max Wedge one? Did the non MW one use a smaller font?

The same block castings were used for other applications, not just Max Wedges. The differences were in the finish machining (Max Wedges had valve reliefs machined into the tops of the bores, etc.) and the final stampings on the pad. The MW stampings (and most other unique HP engines of the era) used a MUCH larger font as compared to the regular production line engines. Example, here is a pad frpm a 1963 300J 413 Short Ram engine, same font, different info. FWIW ALL Max Wedge engines were originally painted orange. If you see ANY traces of original turquoise paint on a "supposed" MW engine, it's not an original MW.

7749381-300J413Pad2.jpg (79 downloads)