When I bought my Duster I never even sat in the seat for 3 years. Matt was driving it and I was quite happy in the Daytona. The day I rolled the Daytona I told him to get his Duster done as he was about ready to get dumped out of the seat. As far as driving the Daytona I always let him drive it around the pits to get it heat soaked but never felt comfortable letting him race it. As good as that car and chassis was if something wasn't right like a COLD track you have to know how, when, and where to do something pretty quick. He spun his bosses 9 second Avenger in the traps when the engine left go and never hit anything and came back to the pits like he was just at Walmart. His boss thanked him and said he was REAL GLAD his wife who usually drives the car wasn't driving at the time.

1970 Duster
Edelbrock headed 408
422 Indy headed small block
5.982@112.56 mph

Livin and lovin life one day at a time