We brought up this issue quite a few times on different sites and we feel it is not that people don't support the events that is the issue.We feel first and formost is the economy that is hurting events.People do not have the "extra" spendable income and must decide priorities,necessities before fun.
Secondly is the high cost of travel expenses,entry fees and related cost.Then we have the number of events that are schudled the same weekend or back to back weekends.People can't pay out large sums of money every weekend and usually need a few weeks in between events to rest and regroup.
As for a Hemi Reunion,Jim Kramer put on one hellava show at Quaker but I feel it's two soon to pull it off again.To get all those Hemi cars together is decade type of show.Not many are willing to got through the cost and risk of dragging out those special cars on a regular basis.We can't say for a fact but rumor has it Jim took a big hit in the pocket,are you and Jim willing to take that risk?
We share your concerns since we are having a race soon and have done a little research ourselves.We weren't going to have it because of the aformentined reasons,but fortunately Quaker Motorsports Park(Norm Fox) stepped up to the plate as well as past and new sponsership dollars were secured to make the race possible.With out the(risk) venue and dollars being secured up front this race would not happen.
I know Jim and Cindy personally and hope for nothing but the best for them.If your counting on the event to be successful and profitable it would be prudent to make sure you have your cost covered up front.Don't take it that I trying to tell you how to run your events,you've been around long enough and seen the ups and downs.Recently we discussed this with others in the business and the concencious is that there is a 20/30 down swing in attendence for single manufacture car events,Mopar,Chevy,Ford and others.The all makes like the Nostalgia Nationals,Good Guys and such will always be a favorite.Me, personally I would like to see the old style "Super Car Shootouts"(all makes of the early muscle car era up to 1972)Revived.Anyway,best of luck.