From the testing we did, BG 280 @ 13.5v thru a Holley 12-803 reg set @ 7 psi it took 28 sec to flow 1 gal, Same set up but with BG reg set @ 7 psi took 19 sec to fill 1 gal, Tested the pump pressure @ 18 psi dead headed, The problem which is new from the last 2 runs is the truck is launching better, 1.39 & 1.35 from 1.65 ave but after the 60ft mark it falls on its face dropping from 6900 to 4500 then hunts up and down to 5500, This was with the Holley reg, We run .120 needles on either a bg 850 annular or a bg 1000 race demon and the annular was the 1.35 60ft, both carbs ran out of fuel @ the 60ft mark, I have swapped out regs to the BG but have no way to test till next week end @ the track , I am not sure if it is a G force problem or a reg volume problem from the difference in faster 60ft times, All opinions welcome, Thankx Craig