Great unit with 4.7
Window motors expire often cheapo aftermarkets are available
brakes pedal never really hard-no matter what you do or adjust--no real fix just part of the deal
Heat / Air door flaps fall off--get a tech from the jeep place to fix at his home is best bet--when air heat acts up thats the issue
rear gears whine and are a distraction but will roar/whine and run forever--junkyard units are the same so skip the fix until she quits
power steering hose leak is common
Oil pressure gauge will drop to zero--chime will come on, scare the heck out of you, just keep driving, oil gauge returns to normal--senders are bad and replacements are no better--when you hook manual to it you see there are no issues except the sender
seat heaters go bad fast--fix is on the web
You will LOVE that 4.7--lots of balls and 20 MPG easy as pie on our 2wd
We love our GC!!!!