

Having watched way too many idiots try to back a car or truck up in my driveway, and watching way too many people try to parallel park, if the truck gets parked where the general public drives, I definitely want as much additional protection as possible. Give me a real bumper, not the currently available wimpy step bumpers or roll pans. The current step bumper on my Dakota has both rear corners bent, both of which we results of parking where the general public had access.
I was standing in line at the post office one morning and some lady was parked behind my old truck. When she pulled out, there wasn't enough room between the back of my truck and the front of hers, so when she pulled forward the two bumpers met, instead of backing up, she stepped on the gas to push through. I watched my truck roll up against the park pin and stop moving, but she kept pulling forward until she made enough clearance. My rear bumper was shortened and reinforced, but it still twisted the end up a little. I hope the front bumper on her late 80 Chevy pickup folded back into her tire and ruined it by the time she got where ever she was going.

There is no way I would put a roll pan on something I drove daily and like. Gene

then this is what you should have....LOL


I am truckless..