My nephew has a "B9" '73 440 Charger SE, basically a C-body only color.
What is the VON, is there a Y39 code on fender tag or b'cast sheet?

& where's the PICS!!

It is also a dark blue color..

Ita NOT my car yet I have been to look at it twice but owner is not real forth coming with that info as of yet(tag and BS) but I do beleive he has it.

However from what I can see it is all there in orginal condition but rusty and is loaded.

BTW it wasn't for-sale when I found it.But I think I can buy it.

There will be pictures, when /if I can get a deal done..

There comes a time in life, when you walk away from all the drama & people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh, forget the bad, and focus on the good.