



this long crack can be felt with your fingernail.

I can fix this head but have questions.
The long one you said you can catch your nail on it ? Does it keep going off the head deck and around and down across the intake seat and pass into the throat below the seat ?
The head stud cracks I would stitch pin them on both sides of the threaded hole to stop cracking and then drill and install a time sert. I would also stitch pin the deck crack and possibly install a new seat if needed. After repair the head would have to be surfaced to clean up the deck surface. If the deck crack goes well into the intake throat area where you cannot get to it then the head will have to be welded with cast iron rod to fix it right which is a more extensive repair.


I went and looked this head over tonight. I could not see any sign of the crack anywhere other than the deck. No sign down to the seat area or beyond. Even had an extra set of eyes from a buddy studying as well.

Have them dyed or mag them and pressure test, the tricky part is the crack is on a fire ring area. Are you sure it's a crack ?? Strange place for crack.


It's like somebody tried to pry the head off an engine with those two bolts still in!