one bolt turned in 3 threads does not hold a 22lb steel flywheel on to a crank with a loose register and the engine tilted back.

a 22lb flywheel that falls from 5 1/2 ft. has sufficient force to cut a live air hose cleanly into 2 sections and still have enough energy to take an egg sized bit of concrete out of a concrete floor and still have enough energy to move the ring gear

live air hoses cut into 2 sections seem to have a life of their own

when kicking a flywheel, the flywheel wins

66 Belvedere Vert, 4 Speed/Jerico, slowly, very slowly, getting faster - NA LD Wedge
New New Best: 10.56 @129
68 B'cuda 4 gear Jerico - Another New Best of 9.86 & Trying to slow up