
That was how my business started. I found so many problems with Mopar Performance parts that I started to build my own stuff. Then it just took off from there.

As for Jesel, they make killer products but they do not worry too much about the lower end bracket type engines. They assume that their customers are pro engine builders with fab capability. That is why I make things such as TDC pointers for Jesel belt drives as well as motor plate brackets for Jesel belt drive distributors. I also make spacers and brackets to run the belt drive stuff with electric water pumps and other such parts. Jesel just doesn't spend time trying to design all of those related parts. They are good guys to work with, but they don't try to do everything for everybody.

I can certainly appreciate the origins of your business if this is why you started.

I also don't think $15k-$20k engines are low class. They deserve quality parts for the price. The masses aren't popping for $40K and up engines. I think the top shelf stuff drives development, but that doesn't mean the rest of us should suffer from old designs that haven't been maintained. It is a major PITA for most of us to find a machine shop to modify stuff that doesn't scrap our parts.