
could something have gone bad?

The alignment guy is supposed to check the suspension for worn parts and recomend replacement of needed parts but many are too lazy to check, or just assume since you replaced the parts you know what you are asking for.

Yes before taking it to another shop have someone help you inspect the suspension again.

Have someone move the steering wheel back and forth just enough to start getting the wheels to slightly move. Look at the suspension for sloppy movement. Find out where this movement is and fix it.

Have the same person start the car and put it in gear, go a couple of feet and stop. Look for movement (front to rear) on both front tires. Excessive movement means something is not right.

How do you drive the car? Remember this is old technology and this car was not design to go around corners fast.

Whats the size of the tire? These cars were never designed to take wide tires or other than stock offset wheels either so your wear could be considered normal for your application.

How long did the tires last? Toe is the number one cause for tire wear but the are a lot of factors that can affect tire wear.

Allen Here's a novel idea, let's not throw a bunch of parts at the car hoping it will fix the problem and instead spend a little time diagnosing it first. Life was a little easier when I was just a wrench.