hey tony I have 1 for the duster and 1 I picked up last year at the vmp race... as you know I haven't used it yet but have talk to a lot of guys usiong them and they say they work great and help them out a lot.. took 1 more thing away from them to think about,also was to by a racer that by the time you think about shifting and do it the sifter would already be done made for a little extra in the end...not sure but looking at it from that point of view I can see what he is saying and you can keep both hands on the wheels but hope to have this thing going soon just got to finish the brake lines and build the headers,order the center section and have a drive shaft made....for me the hardest part is having time to finish the brake lines and build the headers..lol the other stuff is just working to pay for it ....lol good luck and let me know how you like the shiftnoid if you get 1 then I will know what to look for..