
Yes, the entire coverage in the latest issue was "DD" cars. GREAT coverage if you ask me for the little guy. The Unlimited cars are cool, (Larsen's Nova is awesome) but the little guys ARE what DW is about, IMHO.

That's HAS to be a riot of a week!

Hey Freiburger, if you're listening: How about a West Coast Version? Firebird, Vegas, Famoso, Sacramento, and ending in Seattle.

Well I must have missed the DD section... I'll have
to go back and actually BUY that issue...... NO I
dont want it out here.. way to far to haul.. put it
back somewhere in the MID US... sure I would love
to have it start somewhere east of the Mississippi...
its bend in the Tulsa area for the last 2 years...
plus I dont think you will ever see it start on either
coast... you might in up hitting one of the coast
states but it would cut out most of the guys from
the mid east...... JMO