
Sounds to me like a "good guy" post turned to an "AL Roast"

What else can you say about the guy that has everything..??

Two 8 second Barracudas.
Mercedes S550 (or something like that).
Brand New F450.
Cummins pusher RV.
A new 2 story mansion in Las Vegas that he simply calls a place to hang his hat.
Three well balanced kids that are going to contribute to society as they get older.
and lastly, he has a picture perfect, smokin hot blonde Doctor for a wife that loves him dearly..

I mean seriously.. can it get any more perfect than that?

Oh yeah.. I almost forgot.. the most important and impressive.. He is a Moparts Mod and can shut your azz up at will..

We might roast Al every once in awhile, but thats only because we have so much respect for the man..