
It dosen't matter to me,I offer discounts to most all Mopar racers.If someone doesn't like it,then they are only hurting the Mopar family.We don't advertise anywhere and are not looking for anything for nothing.Heck we are always offering free advise and share our experience and knowledge,so just buy offering good deals is just another way of sharing and helping.Just ask many on Moparts how many times someone from BGR helped and even gave them things at no charge.Racers helping racers.
We all know Special Kay,now we have "Special Bob"

That's the way I see business should be done in our world. That type of racer taking care of racer attitude brings business, and then more business. I know of a couple businesses that claim to be "racers", then when they see someone in a jamb at the track, they kill them on the price of parts to make a few extra dollars. Those are the guys who lose business and get bad names. BGR, I don't think I know you, and if I do, I don't realize it, but thumbs up to you for being a real racer with a real racer's attitude!!

Chris from New Jersey